Salud y Administración is an open access journal from the Universidad de la Sierra Sur. It is geared towards communicating contributions from the health sciences, the administration, as well as other related areas. It is available quarterly in print (ISSN 2007-7971) and digital format (ISSN 2448-6159), and is listed in the Latindex (Folio único 21940) Catalog 2.0. If you want to send us a submission, verify that it meets the editorial policies and instructions for authors.

Current Issue

Vol 10 No 30 (2023): Revista Salud y Administración

Health and Administration, Volume 10, Number 30,  September-December 2023, is a quarterly diffusion edited by the University of the Sierra Sur, Calle Guillermo Rojas Mijangos s/n corner of Avenida Universidad, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz, Oaxaca, Mexico, C.P. 70800, tel. (951) 57 24 100, ext. 1215,, Responsible editor: Ignacio Grajales Alonso. Reserve of Rights for Exclusive Use No. 04-2015-081912512700-203, ISSN 2448-6159, both granted by the National Institute of Copyright. Responsible for the latest update of this Number, UNSIS Academic Vice-Rector, I.D. Fernando Cortés Velasco, Calle Guillermo Rojas Mijangos s/n corner Avenida Universidad, Colonia Ciudad Universitaria, Miahuatlán de Porfirio Díaz, Oaxaca, Mexico, C.P. 70800, last modified date, December 19, 2023.

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Experiences from practice

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